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  • Property Outline
    Text: Dukeminier & Krier, Property (2d ed. 1988); Professor Patti Solari

  • Property Outline
    University of Texas School of Law; Professor E. Smith; Text: Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, Smith, 6th ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Texas School of Law; Professor E. Smith; Text: Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, Smith, 6th ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Texas School of Law; Professor E. Smith; Text: Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, Smith, 6th ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Texas School of Law; Professor Chambliss; Text: Dukeminier & Krier, 3rd ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Texas School of Law; Professor E. Smith; Text Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, Smith, 7th ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Texas School of Law; Professor Torres; Text: Hovenkamp and Kurtz, 3rd ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Chicago School of Law; Professor Currie; Text: Property, Dukeminier 4th ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Colorado School of Law; Professor Collins; Text: Property, Dukeminier 4th ed.

  • Property Outline
    Georgetown University School of Law; Professor Cohen; Text: Property, Dukeminier 5th ed.

  • Property Outline
    University of Chicago School of Law; Professor Helmholz; Text: Burke, Burkhart, Helmholz

  • Property Outline
    Yale Law; Professor H. Smith; Text: Casner Leach, 4th ed.

  • Property Outline
    Harvard Law; Professor Donahue; Text: Donahue, Kauper, Martin, 3rd ed.

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